Below is a collection of frequently asked questions. If you have a questions that hasn't been answered, please contact Melanie.
Melanie practices out of three different clinics in Kitchener-Waterloo. Please visit the Work With Me page to see the addresses and booking options.
Melanie’s youngest client, so far, came to see her initially at 10 days old. Her oldest client is well into his 90s. Anyone can benefit!
Melanie provides Nutritional Counseling as a Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner (RNCP), which is eligible for extended benefits coverage at all of the major insurance companies in Ontario. However, every individual company’s extended benefits plan is different. It is always best to check with your insurance provider directly to confirm whether the service you are interested in is covered by your particular plan. Melanie will provide you with a receipt to submit, Nutritional Counseling services cannot be auto-submitted at this time.
Melanie Thomas sees clients from across Southwestern Ontario, with some clients stretching as far as the southern states and even overseas. They find it’s worth the trip. Melanie does not have a network of practitioners in every area and unfortunately cannot make recommendations for specific practitioners.
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Committing to improving (or maintaining!) your health is a meaningful goal that requires support.
It's my mission to use my knowledge and experience to help you improve your health and achieve your goals!